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Sunday, June 13, 2010


Perhaps in the next 30 years
  Monday, 22 March 2010
Today I am very happy
I am getting my turn to fetch water after a week
But I am sad too,
Because, someone stole away a bucketful of water from my house today
I reported the incidence to the police,
I don’t think that they will be able to trace the thief
But, I will not leave this here
Today my body feels light
I got a change to take bath with 3 mugs of water after a week
My heart is even lighter
Because, my son had the opportunity to have a glass of water in his tiffin
Some guest visited me with an excuse of drinking water
But, I cleverly sent them away without giving them a drop of water to drink
I am annoyed with the borrowers who borrow water but never pay back
I owe twenty-five bucketful of water from my neighbors
Today I have to go to Rani Pokhari (historic pond in Kathmandu) to watch a football match there
Once, it used to be full of water but it’s hard to believe now
Yesterday, an elderly showed me a dug well and said,
“Son, there used to be a lot of water in this dug well.”
Oh! I dreamt of collecting water from the same dug well throughout the night
Nowadays, I am embarrassed with these fantasy dreams

Let’s start from ourselves!
Save Water! Save Life!