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Saturday, February 20, 2010

No water tap on toiletless houses

20, Saturday February 2010
Nepalgunj: With the aim to implement the slogan “one house, one toilet” in the remote parts of Banke, Khajura Drinking Water and Sanitation Consumer’s Committee has taken a crucial decision: it will not install water taps at the houses that have no toilet.
The committee later informed that the new concept has encouraged the entire locals to construct toilets at their houses in a swift way. Speaking at the 11th general meeting of Khajura Drinking Water and Sanitation Consumer’s Committee, Rishi Raj Gautam; president of the committee said that the new concept has been aimed at encouraging the locals for using toilets and spread awareness regarding the advantage of toilets.

Gautam informed that Drinking Water Department released Rs. 900,000 for the construction of taps in the district. Ratna Dutta Panta, a local leader said that the initiative taken by the committee was praiseworthy and it has created awareness among the locals regarding the positive aspects of toilets. Panta added that now all the houses were equipped with toilets.

Padam Thapa, member of Adarsha Higher Secondary Management Committee, informed that efforts made by various institutions and organizations for persuading the locals for using the toilet went in vain in the past.

According to him, the locals paid no heed to their words and the campaign launched by these organizations became worthless. “But, the news concept put forwarded by the consumer’s committee finally put pressure on the locals as they started constructing toilets at their house premises,” Thapa added.

(Source: The Rising Nepal, February 17, 2010)

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