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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Changing eating habits

Changing eating habits

Manish Gautam, Ankit Adhikari 
JUN 25 -
They say we are what we eat. But is our present eating habit helping us to live a healthy life? Perhaps not. Experts say the food habits of Nepali people have seen a paradigm shift lately. This ‘unfortunate’ shift, according to nutritionist Dr Aruna Upreti, is evident in crowds lined up in front of roadside thelas (carts) to skip their healthy family meals against deep-fried stick foods that come in yummy-looking menus stuffed with items ranging from sausage to meatball.

Such food habits prevalent among the city dwellers may make people suffer from malnutrition in the long run, say doctors.

Healthy past
According to Dr Upreti, our traditional food habits, which have roots in various cultural practices, were somehow balanced in terms of containing types of food necessary for good health. For instance, the famous combination of dal (lentil), bhat (rice), achar (pickle) and tarkari (vegetables) for a proper two-time meal and other items, including chapattis made from barley flour, were considered important from a health point of view.

“Knowingly or unknowingly, our traditional practice of food consumption was scientific if defined under the nutritional science,” Dr Upreti says. According to her, while dal gave our body the necessary amount of protein, bhat was meant for carbohydrate. Similarly, the consumption of tarkari and achar provides other nutritional enzymes and vitamin C.

Besides that, the traditional food habits that come along with various seasonal festivals and other religious occasions, too, carried a lot of weight. While consumption of saatu (edible flour made of oat) gives body the vital protein, sarbat (homemade juice) is important to prevent dehydration during the summer. Among many other similar healthy practices is the consumption of kwati (beans soup) during Janai Purnima, a hindu festival which falls in the rainy season, is equally important as it gives the body the necessary heat and protein at the same time.

Balanced diet
Jaya Pradhan, associate professor at the Central Department of Home Science and Women Development, says researches have shown that around 70-80 percent of the calories needed for the body come from cereals and grains. According to her, although people eat vegetables, the consumption of fruits and other dairy products is extremely low.

She underscores the need for a balanced consumption of food containing carbohydrate, protein, fat and oil, vitamin, mineral and water. Rice and cereals are the major source of carbohydrate, while proteins can be found in meat and other dairy products. Vitamins and minerals can be found in fiber-rich food such as fruits and vegetable products.

“While the ‘healthy past’ gives us what we need, people are being attracted towards something else these days,” says Dr Upreti. “Junk food and other deep-fried stick foods contain excessive fat and cholesterol, which result in imbalanced diet consumption.” According to her, overeating of meat products, which come in almost all items popular as stick foods, is also a burgeoning problem now. 

Factors behind
Doctors attribute this to a number of factors. The major driving force behind the change in food habits is the changing lifestyle and busy schedules of people. Various practices, including the restaurant culture, increasing number of nuclear families in cities, among others, are resulting in unhealthy food practices. “People are taking food more for taste or just to satiate hunger than for nutritional purposes,” says Dr Upreti. “And when it comes to taste, the advertised foods become the first choice instead of home-made healthy foods.”

Dr Upreti maintains lack of nutrition and the way foods are consumed are responsible for a large majority of the births of malnourished babies. She says the increase in non-communicable disease recently is also linked to the consumption of low-nutrition food. “This will take us nowhere and these are serious issues,” Dr Upreti says. “But we are yet to address it adequately. This can be done only through public awareness campaigns.”

Nutritional guidelines
Nepal’s nutritional guidelines are determined on the basis of the Dietary Guidelines prepared by the Indian Council for Medical Research, which specifies the amount that need to be consumed for a health diet. Hence, for our country it is believed that a food item should have 55 to 65 percent of carbohydrate, 15 to 20 percent of protein and fats around 20 to 35 percent. When it comes to saturated fat products, including cheese and ice-cream, the consumption should be around 7 percent.

Experts say the tendency of not having breakfast routinely is harmful for health, which affects the metabolism process when one consumes heavy diet directly during the lunch hour. According to the guideline, meat contains all proteins needed for the body, which for vegetarians can be found only while consuming cereals along with milk. “However, one should avoid visible fat portion of meat and the skin,” says Pradhan.

Source: The Kantipur Daily


Sunday, June 23, 2013

Highway hotels lack basic hygiene

Highway hotels lack basic hygiene

KATHMANDU: Highway hotels and restaurants along Mugling-Narayangarh stretch on the Prithvi Highway lack basic hygiene and food quality, with only seven per cent hotels and restaurants found serving hygienic food.

The monitoring team of the Department of Food Technology and Quality Control found today that only two hotels and restaurants, out of 28 inspected in Ramnagar and Jugedi, maintained basic hygiene, cleanliness and food quality, said senior food inspector Pramod Koirala at the department. They were issued green stickers.

According to him, the department found 21 hotels and restaurants needed to clean up their act. Their kitchens, dining rooms, dish washing areas and toilets were found dirty. “They were issued yellow stickers; one of them got a red colour strap,” he said.

Hotels and restaurants should paste the stickers on their signboard, according to food monitoring guideline of the department.

“People should avoid eating at the hotels and restaurants bearing yellow and red stickers,” he added. The department has been grading hotels and restaurants in Mugling, Malekhu, Dharke and Naubise of Kathmandu-Muglin section since last year but the department has not yet achieved its target to maintain basic hygiene, cleanness and food quality in all the eateries along the highway.

More than 10,000 people travel every day in the road section.

Monitoring drive targeting highway hotels and restaurants began in 2011 after Chief Secretary Lilamani Paudel found out that poor quality food, and that too at high prices, was being served by the eateries along the highway. Then, Department of Commerce and Supply Management had found that over 80 per cent of the 240 hotels and restaurants were unhygienic and charged exorbitant prices. 

Source: The Himalayan Times

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

डीडीसी, सीताराम र नेपाल डेरी पनि अयोग्य’

डीडीसी, सीताराम र नेपाल डेरी पनि अयोग्य’
काठमाडौ, असार ४ -
दुग्ध विकास संस्थान -डीडीसी), सीताराम र नेपाल डेरीद्वारा उत्पादित दूधमा पनि दिसामा पाइने जीवाणु 'कोलिर्फम' भेटिएको छ । खाद्य प्रविधि तथा गुण नियन्त्रण विभागका अनुसार बजारमा ८० प्रतिशतभन्दा बढी हिस्सा ओगट्ने यी डेरीका चार प्रकारका ब्रान्डका दूधमा पनि दूषित जीवाणु पाइएको हो ।

डीडीसीका तीन प्रकारका दूधमध्ये नीलो पोकामा 'कोलिर्फम' र पहेंलो पोकामा ठोस पदार्थको मात्रा कमी भेटिएको जनाएको छ । त्यस्तै नेपाल डेरीको इन्डि्रज ब्रान्ड र सीताराम डेरीको सीताराम ब्रान्डको दूधमा पनि जीवाणु भेटिएको छ ।  उपत्यकामा दैनिक एक लाख ३७ हजार लिटर खपत हुने संस्थानको दूधमा यी ब्रान्डको हिस्सा ७५ प्रतिशतभन्दा बढी छ । 'दुवै पोकाका दूध सेवन स्वास्थ्यका लागि प्रतिकूल देखिन्छ,' विभागकी महानिर्देशक जीवनप्रभा लामाले भनिन् ।

डीडीसीले आफ्नो ब्रान्ड विस्तारअन्तर्गत केही महिनाअघि मात्र बजारमा ल्याएको पहेंलो पोका -गाईको दूध) मा ठोस पदार्थको मात्रा आठ प्रतिशत हुनुपर्नेमा ७.३० पाइएको छ । 'यसले दूधमा अत्यधिक मात्रामा पानी मिसाएको देखिन्छ,' विभागका प्रवक्ता प्रमोद कोइरालाले भने ।

संस्थानका महाप्रबन्धक सियारामप्रसाद सिंहले दूधमा देखिएको समस्या सुधार्न सुरु गरेको बताए । 'सुधार गर्दैछौं,' उनले भने, '९९ प्रतिशत नील हुन्छ । तर, एक प्रतिशतमा यस्तो पाइन्छ । यसलाई सुधार गरेर उपभोक्ताले ढुक्कसँग खाने गरी उत्पादन गर्नेछौं ।'

कीर्तिपुरको सीताराम डेरीबाट उत्पादन हुने सीताराम ब्रान्डमा पनि कोलिर्फमको मात्रा प्रतिमिलिलिटर २० पाइएको छ । विभागले यसलाई पनि खान अयोग्य घोषणा गरेको छ । त्यस्तै नेपाल डेरीको इन्डि्रज पनि खान नहुने जनाइएको छ । इन्डि्रज ब्रान्डको दूधमा कोलिर्फमको मात्रा २ सय १० पाइएको छ ।

विभागले भक्तपुरका चार उद्योगको दूधमा कोलीर्फम पाएपछि उपभोग नगर्न सोमबार आग्रह गरेको थियो । अत्यधिक कोलिर्फम भेटिएकामा भक्तपुरको खरिपाटी डेरीबाट उत्पादित गायत्री ब्रान्ड, कमलविनायकको सैंजू डेरीको अमृत र कान्तिपुर ब्रान्ड, भक्तपुर डेरीको बीडीपीएल, सूर्यविनायकको सञ्जीवनी डेरीको सञ्जीवनी ब्रान्ड छन् । बालाजुको आधुनिक डेरीको एडीपी ब्रान्डको दूध पनि उपभोग नगर्न विभागले जनाएको छ । तर, सञ्जीवनीबाहेक अन्यमा सिलबन्दी नगर्दा ती डेरीहरूबाट उत्पादित दूधको वितरण बन्द भएको छैन ।

'दूषित भेटिएका सबै उद्योग सञ्चालकलाई कारबाही हुन्छ,' विभागकी महानिर्देशक लामाले कान्तिपुरसित भनिन्, 'कोलिर्फमको मात्रा कम भेटिएका उद्योगलाई सुधार गर्ने मौका दिएर सिलबन्दी नगरिएको हो ।'

नमुना परीक्षणका क्रममा दूषित भेटिएका डेरी सञ्चालकसँग बयान लिन सुरु भइसकेको उनले जानकारी दिइन् । सबै प्रक्रिया पूरा गरेर जिल्ला प्रशासनमा मुद्दा दायर गर्ने विभागले तयारी गरेको छ ।

प्रकाशित मिति: २०७० असार ५
स्रोत : कान्तिपुर  दैनिक

Monday, June 17, 2013

Spread of diseases during monsoon amid high air pollution more likely

Spread of diseases during monsoon amid high air pollution more likely 

Anjali Subedi 
Kathmandu, June 17: 
The pollution in the Valley has increased manifold and reached an alarming level compared to 2008.The rainy season makes the matter worse in terms of health and hygiene of the people, warns a senior doctor. “While air pollution leads to bronchitis and many other health complications in the long run, it is difficult to prevent stomach infections during monsoon amid such a high pollution all around,” said senior chest physician Dr Dirgha Singh Bam.

“Look at the conditions of the roads when it rains heavily. Children and elderly become most vulnerable to water-borne diseases in such situation,” he added.  When recorded last on March 13 by the Ministry of Environment, the air pollution levels at Thamel, Putalisadak, Machchhegaun and Bhaktapur were 284, 427, 103 and 277 UG/MG3 respectively.

Before that the air pollution levels in those areas were recorded in 2008, when the figures ranged between 120 and 135 UG/M3. As the pollution level varies everyday, the highest pollution level recorded at Putalisadak was on March 20 this year, when it was found to be 599 UG/MG3, making it the most polluted area in the city.

According to a senior chemist at the ministry Surendra Subedi, the level of fine particles in the air with diameters less or equal to 10 micrometer is known as PM10. The national standard of pollutant PM10 is 120 microgram per cubic meter (UG/M3 - chemical vapors, fumes, or dust in the ambient air as a measurable value unit). “Due to some technical reasons, we are still not able to operate all the stations though,” he said.

The stations were established by the ministry in 2002 with a grant of Rs 60 million from the Denmark government. By 2008, the stations turned dysfunctional and were brought back to life just a few months ago. “The pollution level it is recording now is highly alarming as compared to 2008,” Subedi said.  The stations in Patan and Kirtipur still need some repairing. However, the pollution level recorded in the above mentioned 4 places are alarming enough and the valley residents must use mask to avoid harm, suggests Bam.

“For those living in the core areas of Kathmandu, I suggest that they start looking for better options so that they do not develop serious health issues in future,” he insisted.

Bam suggests that if normal cough, dry cough, swelling of hands and legs, eye irritation or any other conditions persists, the person should visit a doctor. During the rainy season, there might be added problems related to stomach as well. “These might be symptoms of the mild effect of pollution. But if one ignores the health condition, it might take a serious toll on one´s health. Similarly, the disturbed condition of the valley roads make it easier for water borne diseases to spread. It is high time the valley residents took their health and hygiene seriously,” he said.

High concentrations of pollutants in the lower atmosphere are indeed prime health risks to the valley residents, as also stated by a study done by ICIMOD. Its report published in 2011 says respiratory diseases among Kathmandu residents have grown over the years. The study conducted from 2009 to 2011 at various places in Kathmandu thus calls for immediate steps to check the air pollution. According to the study, the rapid increase in urbanization in the Kathmandu valley and the accompanying growth in the number of vehicles are responsible for the increased level of polluting gases and solid particulate matter in the air.

Hardest hit by the air pollution are none other than the traffic police personnel, who have to spend over 15 hours on road. “There are above 4.5 million people in Kathmandu. Over 7,00,000 vehicles ply on the road. There is no modern technology for traffic management. Around 1000 traffic personnel work round the clock to ensure the smooth flow of traffic. There is no account of the damage we suffer in terms of health,” lamented DSP Pawan Giri, spokesperson at the Metropolitan Traffic Police Division (MTPD).

In a recently published report of the traffic, 127 traffic police were found to suffer from chest infection and common cold out of 355 who went for a medical check up. The free health camp was organized after the MTPD found its staff increasingly suffering from air-borne diseases. In the camp, jointly organized by the police division and Sumeru Hospital, 97 traffic police were found to be suffering from orthopaedic problems. Twenty-five women traffic staff had abdominal issues, 31 others were detected with reproductive health issues and 15 traffic police had neurological disorder.

“The traffic staff works without medicated mask. Some organizations occasionally provide such things, which is done just for some popularity. But overall, traffic is working in pathetic conditions. The government has shown no concern toward their health,” Giri said. “It needs separate budget to improve these matters. Traffic staff work longer hours than civil servants but their salaries are at the same level. It´s not fair,” he added.

At least 50 traffic police personnel get ill on a daily basis due to the workload, according to Giri. “They generally have headache, respiratory and allergic problems. Working amid such a high level of air pollution is of course taking a toll on our health. But we hardly have any choice.” On the other hand, Bam asserted that the traffic police needs to be extremely serious about their health as they are at very high risk. “Medicated mask is must for them,” he said. 
Source:My Republica

पाँच डेरीका दूध उपभोगमा रोक

पाँच डेरीका दूध उपभोगमा रोक
भक्तपुर, असार ३ -
दिशामा पाइने जीवाणु 'कोलिर्फम' भेटिएको भन्दै खाद्य तथा गुण नियन्त्रण विभागले उपत्यकाका पाँचवटा डेरी उद्योगका दूध उपभोगमा रोक लगाएको छ । तीमध्ये चारवटा भक्तपुरका र एक काठमाडौंका डेरी उद्योग रहेका छन् । विभागले उपत्यकाको तीनवटै जिल्लाका १४ डेरीबाट नमुना संकलन गरी परीक्षण गर्दा दूधमा अत्यधिक कोलिर्फम पाइएका पाँच उद्योगका दूध उपभोग नगर्न सर्वसाधारणलाई आग्रह गरेको छ । विभागका प्रवक्ता प्रमोद कोइरालाका अनुसार खान अयोग्य हुने गरी कोलिर्फम भेटिएकामा भक्तपुरको खरिपाटी डेरीबाट उत्पादित गायत्री ब्रान्ड, कमलविनायकको सैंजू डेरीको अमृत र कान्तिपुर ब्रान्ड, भक्तपुर डेरीको बीडीपीएल, सूर्य विनायकको सञ्जीवनी डेरीको सञ्जीवी ब्रान्ड छन् भने काठमाडौं बालाजुको आधुनिक डेरीको एडीपी ब्रान्ड रहेको छ । 'परीक्षणको क्रममा दूधमा कोलिर्फमको मात्रा शून्य हुनुपर्नेमा ती ब्रान्डका दूधमा २ हजार ४ सयभन्दा बढीसम्म देखियो,' उनले भने । विभागका महानिर्देशक जीवनप्रभा लामाका अनुसार गत साता १४ उद्योगबाट १७ नमुना संकलन गरी परीक्षण गर्दा १६ मा कोलिर्फम पाइएको हो । सञ्जीवनी, कालिका, भक्तपुर, सैंजू, खरिपाटी, नवप्रभात, राजधानी, आईडिया प्लस, नेपाल, आधुनिक, जगदम्बा, डीडीसी, हिमालय, सीताराम डेरीको दूध नमुना संकलन गरी परीक्षण गरिएको हो । मानव स्वास्थ्यका लागि हानिकारक तत्त्व फेला परेका डेरीविरुद्ध जिल्ला प्रशासन कार्यालयमा मुद्दा दर्ता गरिएको पनि विभागले जनाएको छ । अभियोग प्रमाणित भए जेल वा १० हजार वा दुवै दण्ड तिर्नुपर्ने हुन्छ । काठमाडौं उपत्यकाको तीनै जिल्लाको दूध डेरीमा दिसामा पाइने कोलिर्फम नामक जीवाणु फेला परेपछि डेरीहरूको उत्पादनको नमुना परीक्षणलाई तीव्र पारिएको छ । 'कोलिर्फम मानव स्वास्थ्यमा गम्भीर असर गर्ने दिसामा पाइने जीवाणु हो,' लामाले भनिन्, 'यसले झाडापखाला, आऊँ, हैजा, टाइफाइड, हेपाटाइटिस ए, जन्डिसजस्ता रोग लाग्नुका साथै पेटमा अनेक समस्या उत्पन्न गराउन सक्छ ।' पहिलो चरणमा अत्यधिक कोलिर्फम भेटिएका पाँच उद्योगलाई कारबाहीको दायरामा ल्याइएको छ भने अन्य उद्योगलाई पनि समट्दै जाने र गुणस्तरहीन पाइएमा कारबाही गर्नुका साथै सर्वसाधारणलाई जानकारी गराउने विभागले जनाएको छ । सरसफाइमा ध्यान नपुर्‍याएको र प्रशोधनमै कमजोरी पाइएकाले अर्को सूचना नभएसम्म उपभोग नगर्न विभागले अनुरोध गरेको छ । अत्यधिक कोलिर्फम पाइएका डेरी उद्योगमा कारबाहीका क्रममा विभागले सिलबन्दी सुरु गरेको छ । बालाजुको आधुनिक डेरी, भक्तपुर सूर्यविनायकको सञ्जीवी डेरी र ललितपुर चापागाउँको आइडिया प्लस डेरीमा सिलबन्दी गरेको छ । आइडिया प्लस डेरीले विभागबाट खाद्य अनुज्ञापत्र नलिई अवैध रूपमा सञ्चालन गर्नुका साथै दूधमा कोलिर्फमको मात्रा पनि भेटिएको थियो

स्रोत : कान्तिपुर  दैनिक

ओखरपौवावासी झाडापखला र ज्वरोले थलिए

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

प्रदूषित पानीले झाडापखाला

 नेपालगन्ज, जेष्ठ २९ -
चिकित्सकले प्रदूषित पानीका कारण नेपालगन्ज नगर क्षेत्रमा झाडापखाला फैलिएको बताएका छन् । उपचारार्थ अस्पताल पुगेका बिरामीको परीक्षणपछि चिकित्सक उक्त निष्कर्षमा पुगेका हुन् ।

झाडापखालाका बिरामीको यहाँस्थित भेरी अञ्चल अस्पताल र नेपालगन्ज मेडिकल कलेजमा भीड लागेको छ । जिल्ला जनस्वास्थ्य कार्यालयले बिरामीको चापले अन्य औषधि उपचार कार्यमा बाधा पर्ने भएकाले झाडापखालाका बिरामीलाई छुट्टै उपचारको व्यवस्था गर्ने जनाएको छ । उक्त कार्यका लागि कार्यालयबाट थप जनशक्ति परिचालन गर्ने निर्णय गरिएको जनस्वास्थ्य प्रमुख जीवन मल्लले बताए ।

 बिरामीहरूलाई निःशुल्क औषधि उपचारका लागि भेरी र नेपालगन्ज मेडिकल कलेजमा औषधि प्ाठाइएको समेत उनले बताए । ११ दिन अघिबाट फाटफुट रूपमा फैलिएको झाडापखाला पाँच दिनयता बढेको छ । हैजाको आशंका गरी केही बिरामीको दिसाको नमुना राष्ट्रिय जनस्वास्थ्य प्रयोगशालामा पठाए पनि नतिजा नेगेटिभ आएकाले हैजा भन्न नमिल्ने जनस्वास्थ्यका महामारी रोग नियन्त्रण शाखा प्रमुख रामबहादुर चन्दले बताए ।

 त्यस्तै शंकास्पद बिरामीको दिसाको ३ वटा नमुनाहरू थ्ाप परीक्षणका लागि राष्ट्रिय जनस्वास्थ्य प्रयोगशालामा पठाएको छ । स्वास्थ्य तथा पोषण समूहको बैठकले रोकथाम उपचार तथा नियन्त्रण र व्यवस्थापनका लागि विभिन्न निर्णय गरेको छ ।

दूषित खाना र पानीको कारणले झाडापखालाको प्रकोप फैलिएको हुनाले पानी शुद्धीकरण गर्न र उपचारका लागि युनिसेफबाट एक्वागार्ड ट्याब्लेट, जीवनजल र सूचना प्रवाहका लागि आवश्यक सामग्रीहरू म्ााग गरिएको जनस्वास्थ्य कार्यालयले जारी गरेको विज्ञप्तिमा उल्लेख छ ।

नगरपालिकाभित्र जनचेतना अभिवृद्धि गर्न पानी शुद्धीकरणका लागि एक्वा ट्याब वितरण गर्न, बिरामी भएमा उनलाई उपचार गर्न जीवनजल वितरण र स्वास्थ्य तथा सरसफाइबारे जानकारी गराउन नगरपालिकामा कार्यरत ८५ जना महिला स्वास्थ्य स्वयंसेविकालाई प्रभावित १७ वटै वडामा परिचालन गरिएको छ ।

अधिकांश बिरामी नेपालगन्जस्थित भेरी अञ्चल अस्पताल र मेडिकल कलेजमा भर्ना गरिएका छन् । बिरामीमा भित्री ज्वरो आउने, टाउको दुख्ने, बान्ता हुने र पखाला लाग्नेजस्ता लक्षण देखिएका छन् । बिरामीमा देखिएको झाडापखाला औषधि सेवन गरे पनि केही निको भएजस्तो भए पनि पुनः दोहोरिने गरेको छ ।

०६८ सालमा राष्ट्रिय जनस्वास्थ्य प्रयोगशालाले पानीका नमुना परीक्षणपछि यहाँका केही ठाउँको पानी खान योग्य नरहेको जनाएको थियो । २० वटा नमुनामध्ये १२ मा १० भन्दा माथि कोलिफम जीवाणुको मात्रा भेटिएको रिपोर्ट सार्वजनिक भएको थियो ।

०६७ साउन १२ गतेबाट नेपालगन्जमा फैलिएको झाडापखाला र हैजाको प्रकोपले ८ जनाको ज्यान गएको थियो । १ हजार ५ सय ३४ जना बिरामी परेका थिए । हैजा खानेपानी दूषित भएकै कारण फैलिएको प्रारम्भिक तथ्य फेला परेपछि राष्ट्रिय प्रयोगशालाले नमुना संकलन गरेको थियो ।    
स्रोत : कान्तिपुर
प्रकाशित मिति: २०७० जेष्ठ ३० ०९:२२

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

ज्वरो र पखालाका बिरामी बढे

ज्वरो र पखालाका बिरामी बढे

मन्थली, जेष्ठ २८ - 
केही दिनदेखि देखिएको ज्वरो र झाडापखालाको संक्रमणले बिरामी परेका मन्थली र आसपास क्षेत्रका बासिन्दा उपचारका लागि अस्पतालमा खचाखच भएका छन् । 

अस्पतालमा आउने सयौं बिरामीमध्ये ६० प्रतिशत ज्वरोका मात्र रहेको पाइएको छ । तामाकोसी सहकारी अस्पताल मन्थलीका निर्देशक डा. सुमन कर्माचार्यका अनुसार ज्वरोको समस्या लिएर अस्पताल आउने बिरामीको संख्या दुई दिनयता अत्यधिक छ । अस्पतालमा भर्ना हुने बिरामीको संख्या बढेपछि राखेर उपचार गर्ने स्थानसमेत अभाव हुन थालेको अस्पतालले जनाएको छ । १५ शय्याको उक्त अस्पतालमा हाल ज्वरोका मात्र ३० भन्दा बढी बिरामी भर्ना गरिएको छ । बिरामीको चाप बढेपछि स्वास्थ्यकर्मी सुत्नेदेखि पाले कोठामा समेत बिरामी राखेर उपचार भइरहेको अस्पतालले जनाएको छ । 'हामी अब कता राखेर उपचार गर्ने भन्ने अन्योलमा छौं', कर्माचार्यले भने, 'बिरामी आउने क्रम बढेको बढ्यै छ ।' 

यस्तो समस्या लिएर मन्थलीस्थित प्राथमिक स्वास्थ्य केन्द्र, रामेछाप सामुदायिक अस्पताल र मन्थली पोलीक्लिनिकमा समेत बिरामी पुगेका छन् । 'आएका सबै बिरामी ज्वरोका छन्', मन्थल्ाी पोलिक्लिनिकका सञ्चालक मोहन श्रेष्ठले भने । तामाकोसी सहकारी अस्पतालका निर्देशक डा. कर्माचार्यले दूषित पानीका कारण उक्त समस्या देखापरेको हुन सक्ने बताएका छन् । 'कल्चरको प्रतिवेदन आइसकेको छैन', कर्माचार्यले भने, 'हालसम्म हामीले पानीकै कारण रोग फैलिएको निचोड निकालेका छौं ।' 

मन्थलीका दुई निजी विद्यालयमा अध्ययन गर्ने बालबालिकामा ज्वरो, पेट दुख्ने र वाकवाकी लाग्ने समस्या छ । लिटिलस्टार र तामाकोसी इङलस स्कुलमा अध्ययन गर्ने १ सयभन्दा बढी बालबालिका बिरामी परेका छन् । 'ज्वरो आउने, टाउको दुख्ने, काम्ने, वाकवाकी लाग्ने र झाडा लाग्ने समस्या देखिएपछि हामीले आज मात्र ७० भन्दा बढी बालबालिकालाई अभिभावक बोलाएर घर पठाएका छौं', लिटिलस्टार स्कुलका पि्रन्सिपल धनलाल योञ्जनले भने । उनले अन्य विद्यार्थीलाई संक्रमण हुनबाट जोगाउनका लागि दुवै विद्यालय शुक्रबारसम्मका लागि बन्द गर्ने निर्णय भएको समेत जानकारी दिए । 
श्रोत : कान्तिपुर 
प्रकाशित मिति: २०७० जेष्ठ २९ ०९:५४

Thursday, June 6, 2013

खानेपानी सुविधाविहीन म्याग्दीका विद्यालयहरु

बाबियाचौर (म्याग्दी), जेठ २३ गते । म्याग्दी जिल्लाका २६ वटा विद्यालय खानेपानी सुविधाविहीन रहेको पाइएको छ ।
    जिल्ला विकास समितिले हालै गरेको स्थलगत अध्ययनका क्रममा १० प्रतिशत विद्यालय खानेपानी सुविधाविहीन रहेको पाइएको हो । जिल्लामा २४२ सामुदायिक र २८ निजी गरी २७० विद्यालय रहेका छन् । 
    सबै विद्यालयको स्थलगत अनुगमनका क्रममा २६ वटा विद्यालयमा खानेपानीको सुविधा नै नभएको पाइएको जिविसअन्तर्गत पश्चिम नेपाल ग्रामीण खानेपानी तथा सरसफाइ परियोजनाका सल्लाहकार चन्द्रभक्त विष्टले जानकारी दिनुभयो । 
    खानेपानी सुविधा नहुनेमा सामुदायिकका साथै केही निजी विद्यालय पनि रहेका छन् । विद्यार्थीले विद्यालयमा खानेपानीको सुविधा नहुँदा घरबाटै खानेपानी बोकेर लैजानुपर्ने अथवा खानेपानीका लागि विद्यालय परिसरभन्दा बाहिर पुग्नुपर्ने समस्या रहेको छ । खानेपानीको सुविधा अभावले विद्यार्थीको पठनपाठन र सरसफाइमा असर परेको अध्ययनले जनाएको छ । 
    दुईसय ४४ वटा विद्यालयमा मात्र खानेपानीको सुविधा रहेकामा ११५ वटा विद्यालयको खानेपानी योजनाको मात्र सञ्चालन अवस्था राम्रो रहेको सल्लाहकार विष्टले बताउनुभयो । जिविसले ९२ विद्यालयका खानेपानी योजनाको मर्मत सम्भार, ११ योजनाको मर्मत र २२ विद्यालयका खानेपानी योजनाको पुनःनिर्माण गर्नुपर्ने देखिएको जनाएको छ । 
    मर्मत, पुनःनिर्माण र २६ वटा विद्यालयमा नयाँ खानेपानी योजना निर्माणका लागि आवश्यक बजेट विनियोजन गर्न पहल गरिरहेको जिल्ला शिक्षा कार्यालयले जनाएको छ । 
    यसैगरी अझै चारवटा विद्यालयमा चर्पी नभएको पाइएको जिविसको अध्ययन प्रतिवेदनमा उल्लेख छ
स्रोत : रासस

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

World Envt Day being marked with cleaning programmes

World Envt Day being marked with cleaning programmes program has been held with the objective of raising public awareness on the importance of keeping the environment clean and healthy....
 The Pragatisheel Dhara Sudhar Samiti, a community based organization, held a cleaning programme around the Maharajgunj area this morning on the occasion of the World Environment Day.
As part of the cleaning programme, volunteers, with the help of locals, police personnel and hospital staff, collected trash from the Teaching Hospital, the Kanti Children's Hospital and Maharajgunj area and cleaned the localities, it is stated.

Initiating the cleaning up programme, Chief Secretary Lilamani Poudyal said sustainable environment management would be possible only through the concerted efforts of all sectors of society.
Dr. Bhagawan Koirala of the TU Teaching Hospital stressed the need of proper management of hospital waste for keeping the environment clean.

President of the Samiti, Krishna Prasad Poudel said the cleaning program has been held with the objective of raising public awareness on the importance of keeping the environment clean and healthy.
Source: Then Himalayan Times

Monday, June 3, 2013

Treat water properly before consuming: KUKL

Treat water properly before consuming: KUKL


Kathmandu Upatyaka Khanepani Limited (KUKL) has urged its clients to treat drinking water properly before consumption, as the water the office supplies gets contaminated in the monsoon season. 
Though the office distributes water to household taps after proper treatment, it gets contaminated at local levels, the office, which is responsible for distributing drinking, said. “In the monsoon season we take additional measures but water gets contaminated after it enters in local channel,” said Milan Shakya, spokesperson of KUKL. 

He said that the office analyzes water samples collected from treatment plants, distribution channels and from household taps. The office also increases chlorine and other chemicals in the monsoon to ensure that water is safe. The KUKL claimed that water in the treatment plants and its nearby areas are ok but those in the core city areas are problematic. Due to decaying pipeline, laid during the reign of Ranas, water gets contaminated. 

“So we request all to filter or boil the water properly before consuming,” said Shakya. Last year, cholera had been detected in the diarrheal patients from Dallu, Syambhu, Kalimati, Teku, Kuleshwor and some other areas. Doctors suspected it was caused by the problems in the KUKL supplied water. 
Shakya said the problems ended after the KUKL repaired the broken and decaying pipe of those areas.
The office said that pre-monsoon rain has increased the overall water production and it has been preparing to change the existing water distribution schedule. 

The office supplies water once a week and one in every 10 days in some areas during dry season. But in monsoon, it distributes twice a week in some areas and once in some parts. 
Shakya also informed that the office has also started the distribution of new taps. In dry season, the office stops providing new taps. Each year office distributes over 3,000 new taps.

The office recently has installed additional six new deep tube wells, which produce over 50 million liters of water. The office said that the new deep tube wells installed at at Mahankalchaur, Dobhan, Sanglekhola, Manamaiju, Bode, Gongabu have started production.
The KUKL said that demand for water in capital stands at over 350 million liters per day, but in dry season production slides to 80 million liters.

Source: Republica

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Chitwana's Kumroj named first model bio-gas VDC

Chitwana's Kumroj named first model bio-gas VDC
CHITWAN, June 2: In Kumroj village development committee (VDC) in eastern Chitwan, one will find it difficult to see a house which does not have a biogas plant. Almost eighty percent of the homes here now have biogas plants and this became possible through five years of efforts by the National Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC) and Terai Arc Landscape (TAL). On Sunday, the VDC was declared as Nepal´s first model biogas VDC amid a grand function. The VDC borders the Chitwan National Park.
There are a total of 1,750 households in the VDC and 1,374 have installed biogas plants. The campaign was started five years ago in an attempt to minimize the conflict between wild animals of the park and humans, who would venture inside the park in search of firewood and many would perish in attacks by wild animals. [bread]
Now, as majority of the households has biogas plants, they do not have to venture inside the jungle. Very few people use firewood so the conflict between humans and animals is almost nil, according to Kul Prasad Bhusal, the chairman of the Budi Rapti Buffer Zone Consumers Group.
In the initial phase of the project, 14 bio gas plants were installed in the VDC but gradually the number of households preferring the environment-friendly and life-friendly solution to fuel increased. 
"The remaining houses will also install biogas plants within a year and a half and the project will be a grand success," said Bhusal.
Among the total biogas plants in the VDC, 925 were installed by NTNC, 193 by TAL and the rest by the consumers group.
According to Bhusal, the biogas plants have saved 3,435 tons of fuelwood and saved 10,168 tons of greenhouse gas emissions per year.

Source: The Republica